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        Location:Home > Products> Industrial SolutionProducts

        Cigarette sorting line

        Cigarette automated sorting system

        Product synopsis:

        Cigarette automatic sorting line is China s tobacco industry to implement modern logistics major key equipment, applicable to all areas of large and medium-sized cigarette distribution center. For all levels of tobacco Company s cigarette distribution center LingShouHu orders (order) for automatic processing, automatic sorting of cigarette, partial and automatically by the anti-counterfeiting mark, etc. Cigarette after sorting, anti-counterfeiting tags cannot be copied, do not eliminate, and without causing any damage to the film and packaging. Don t need to use tools, consumers, managers are easy to identify true and false. Cigarette automatic sorting line can greatly improve the efficiency of cigarette sorting, reduce the management cost and reduce work intensity. Xiamen thain, can provide customers with electrical automation hardware and software of the whole cigarette sorting system solutions.

        Scope of application

        Large and medium-sized cigarette distribution center

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